Saturday, December 8, 2007

Week #1 Thing #2

7 1/2 Habits
Habit 7 1/2!!! My favorite way to learn. Whether exploring on the web or out on the road. The world has so much to offer. It always amazes me how connected the past is to our present. It never fails to excite me when I make new discoveries. 
As for the hardest habit for me to embrace is "Habit #1 - Keeping the End in Mind". So often I find the present consuming my time and thoughts. 

1 comment:

Becca said...

It is nice that you document your present reality with so many photos. And, keeping the end in mind -- well, sometimes the end goal shifts a little through the process, so it's really part of your present, too. Hmm, perhaps that's a bit too philosophical to be useful! (or even true.)